
Tokens Module

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Create a orml-tokens runtime module to support multiple types of token.


Version 1 - Basic tokens functionalities

  • Minimal trait abstraction MultiCurrency.
  • transfer
  • mint
  • burn
  • slash
  • Runtime module.
    • Impl MultiCurrency.
    • Dispatchable transfer extrinsic
  • Unit test.

Version 2 - Compatibility with srml-balance module

  • Be compatible with srml-balance and Currency, which would be used for native token.

### Optional - Better issuance control via "imbalance"

- [ ] "imbalance" types represents balance change of tokens.
- [ ] Add imbalance types and rebalance feature to MultiCurrency and orml-tokens.

xlc commented

More things to be considered later:

  • events
  • error type
  • weight / transaction fee
  • existential deposits
xlc commented

I am also thinking about adding a BasicCurrency trait that is similar to MultiCurrency except it is for single currency.

We don't need all the advanced features of Currency most of the time. BasicCurrency is usually enough. This allow new implementation of BasicCurrency easy.