
[feat] Use Polkadot UI

TAnas0 opened this issue · 1 comments

As suggested in the official Polkadot node documentation, one can set up a Grafana Dashboard for the node(s).
I was able to quickly set it up by adding the following into docker-compose.yaml:

  # Polkadot UI:
    container_name: polkadotui
    image: jacogr/polkadot-js-apps
      - WS_URL=ws://
      - 8080:80

Is there a way to make this an option into this tool? Would it be nice to have?
If so, can we get some pointers from the contributors on how to implement it?

xlc commented

I guess we could allow a mode to inject additional services.
But in this case, you can just have two docker-compose file and with some correctly configured port it should work.