
DocxTemplater doesn't work in IE 11

jehanzebafridi opened this issue · 2 comments


Please can someone help. DocxTemplater works in Firefox and Chrome fine, but it does't work in IE 11. I have also tested the online demo at in IE 11 and it doesn't work. Can someone please help?

Many thanks!

  1. For docxtemplater itself :

That is strange. I have automated tests that are running in IE 11 :

Do you have a stack trace that shows what is happening ? Usually, with IE, the problem is to load the document, which can be achieved easily :

docxtemplater should be able to run on IE 8,9 and 10

  1. For the page : that is right, I'm going to fix this, this is my mistake and doesn't have anything to do with the docxtemplater code itself

I have moved this discussion to where it belongs , in the main docxtemplater repository : open-xml-templating/docxtemplater#375