
Trying to setup angular parser, but is failing with compilation error.

Closed this issue · 8 comments


  • Version of docxtemplater :3.46.0
  • Used docxtemplater-modules : none
  • angular-expressions: 1.2.1
  • Runner : Node_js

How to reproduce my problem :

I'm following the angular-parser doc to setup the angular parser
With the following js file :

import Docxtemplater from "docxtemplater";
import angularParser from "docxtemplater/expressions";

  try {
    const templatePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "templates", tenant, type, template + ".docx");
    const templateDoc = fs.readFileSync(templatePath);
    const zip = new PizZip(templateDoc);
    doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, {
      paragraphLoop: true,
      linebreaks: true,
      parser: angularParser,
  } catch (error) {
    logError("error setting up Docxtemplater", { error: error, template: template, data: data, tenant: tenant });
    return error;

I would expect it to :
setup the Docxtemplater with the angularParser

The error I'm getting is:

 "error": [
      "name": "ScopeParserError",
      "message": "Scope parser compilation failed",
      "stack": "Error: Scope parser compilation failed\n    at new XTScopeParserError (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at getScopeCompilationError (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at /Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n    at Render.postparse (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at /Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)\n    at _postparse (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Object.postparse (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at XmlTemplater.parse (/Users/Shared/data/source/",
      "properties": {
        "id": "scopeparser_compilation_failed",
        "offset": 307,
        "xtag": "1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88",
        "explanation": "The scope parser for the tag \"1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88\" failed to compile",
        "rootError": {
          "stack": "Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token 'a7cc267' is an unexpected token at column 2 of the expression [1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88] starting at [a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88].\n\"NG_VERSION_FULL\"/$parse/syntax?p0=a7cc267&p1=is%20an%20unexpected%20token&p2=2&p3=1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88&p4=a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88\n    at /Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at AST.throwError (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at AST.ast (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at ASTCompiler.compile (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Parser.parse (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Object.compile (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at parser (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Render.parser (/Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at /Users/Shared/data/source/\n    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)",
          "message": "[$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token 'a7cc267' is an unexpected token at column 2 of the expression [1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88] starting at [a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88].\n\"NG_VERSION_FULL\"/$parse/syntax?p0=a7cc267&p1=is%20an%20unexpected%20token&p2=2&p3=1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88&p4=a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88"
        "file": "docProps/custom.xml"

Hello, it seems that your tag looks like this :


There are basically two issues :

  • If you use the angular parser, variables are not allowed to start with a number, so :

    {a1b} is a valid tag but {1ab} is not valid.

  • {abcd-efg} means the variable "abcd" minus the variable "efg".

Are you sure you want the angular parser ?

Does your data look like this ?

"1a7cc267-fc2a-41bf-bee5-5d7d83acec88": "My data",

One way would be to detect if a tag is a uuid and if it is a uuid, not use the angular parser.

Hi, thanks for the quick reply!
The thing is that it is not reaching the doc.render yet.
the app is already crashing at:

const templatePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "templates", tenant, type, template + ".docx");
    const templateDoc = fs.readFileSync(templatePath);
    const zip = new PizZip(templateDoc);
    doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, {
      paragraphLoop: true,
      linebreaks: true,
      parser: angularParser,

You could use following code to check if the tag is a uuid and return some other value in that case.

import Docxtemplater from "docxtemplater";
import angularParser from "docxtemplater/expressions";

function isUUID ( uuid ) {
    let s = "" + uuid;

    s = s.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$');
    if (s === null) {
      return false;
    return true;

  try {
    const templatePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "templates", tenant, type, template + ".docx");
    const templateDoc = fs.readFileSync(templatePath);
    const zip = new PizZip(templateDoc);
    doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, {
      paragraphLoop: true,
      linebreaks: true,
      parser: function(tag) {
            if (isUUID(tag)) {
                   console.log('this is an uuid tag', tag);
                   return {
                           get: function(scope) {
                                 return scope[tag];
            return angularParser(tag);

  } catch (error) {
    logError("error setting up Docxtemplater", { error: error, template: template, data: data, tenant: tenant });
    return error;

Also that tag is not in my document and not in the data.

Oh I see, this is actually a tag that is inside docProps/custom.xml inside a custom property.

You can setup your code to not try to replace those tags at all using this :

Your code should be like this :

const avoidRenderingCoreXMLModule = {
    name: "avoidRenderingCoreXMLModule",
    getFileType({ doc }) {
        doc.targets = doc.targets.filter(function (file) {
            if (
                file === "docProps/core.xml" ||
                file === "docProps/app.xml" ||
                file === "docProps/custom.xml"
            ) {
                return false;
            return true;
const doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, {
    modules: [avoidRenderingCoreXMLModule],
    paragraphLoop: true,
    linebreaks: true,

Thanks for quick reply/update, it is working without the ts-ignore with 3.46.1!