
How to write euro

sandrinecharousset opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems that euro sometimes is writte 'euro', sometimes '€'
I had problems in my python scripts with the '€' (but very probably there is sth to do about it, just I am not aware of it, if anyone knows, in advance thank you)
Anyway, we should chose one unique way of writting euro

Given that nobody expressed a preference here yet, I suggest to use EUR. Please use reactions (thumbs up/down) to vote. @openENTRANCE/modellers

I vote for 'euro' rather than the symbol of a euro: '€'.

Greets, Hettie

I am indifferent but would prefer to avoid '€' (unless someone explains to me how to deal with '€' in python scripts)
EUR is fine

Decision: EUR

(Vote 7 to 1)

Closing this issue so that we can proceed with implementation.