
Add password reset link.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

We want the user to be able to reset his credentials. Workflow:

  1. The UI should provide a password reset button "Forgot password"
  2. The user click the password reset link and a email/sms has been sent.
  3. The user click to the password reset link in the email and gets directed to a password reset page.
  4. In the password reset page, he will be able to reset the password.

Hi @giorgiozoppi!!!

I would like to work on this potential issue so, can I please go ahead with it?

Yes. We need as well the backend for this, using twilio. For the moment you can mock it. I might be able to prepare something today.

Thanks, @giorgiozoppi for your confirmation.

Kindly let me know once when you prepare that, thank you.

In meanwhile go ahead with the password reset mail. Show us what you are able to do.

Sure @giorgiozoppi!! Kindly give me some time currently I am working on tooltips issue, I get back to you soon.

Hi @giorgiozoppi sir!!

Here is the status of this issue. I was trying to build the backend for sending an email with a reset link in Node.js using nodemailer package but there are some security issues in my gmail account therefore I'm not able to move forward, kindly suggest to me any plan if you have.

Screenshot from 2020-12-13 03-02-03
Screenshot from 2020-12-13 03-09-10

Should I create a PR so that you can see my changes?