
Bug: Change password form allows with older password

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

Whenever user tries to change it's password the existing system allows to do so with older password too that doesn't make sense, password should be new only.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Node: 14.13.1
Angular: CLI: 9.1.7
Material: 9.2.4
Firefox: 81.0

Steps to reproduce

First time login user directly redirects to change password form or Click to the top-right user-icon/username and go to setting.

Screenshot from 2020-12-16 03-44-23

@abhi40308 @giorgiozoppi should I create PR?

yes. and refer this in the pr. Create a taiko test to consolidate it, it is very easy. You have a inteactive recorder.

@giorgiozoppi sir, sorry for the delay. I have created a taiko test recorder to validate #81 kindly have a look there.