
Cargo is ignoring the build-target

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I tired to build a package for a rust-project that has a build-dependency only for windows systems. But when i try to build the package via osc build there is an error that this package was not found.


@uncomfyhalomacro Did we actually end up adding any filter or target options in vendor that would affect this?

@uncomfyhalomacro Did we actually end up adding any filter or target options in vendor that would affect this?

We removed filter. So idk what the OP is talking about. 😅

Looking at this line, of course this won't build on linux.

Kind of odd that fedora builds this correctly

EDIT: No it doesnt, it does not use cargo build. It uses cmake.

let me investigate this more on my local machine

Odd. What version of obs service cargo are you using @lionfood ?

Nvm. @lionfood reading your specfile and the sources here, it seems you removed vendor.tar. I think you assumed that obs can fetch files outside. 😔

@Firstyear not our issue. Someone forgot to read the wiki or README.

Okay. This one got overlooked!. I just realized this. I will push a fix soon!

The issue is that I didn't take account for [target.'cfg(windows)'.build-dependencies]

Thank you for your quick reaction.