
Add --plot-to-board to plot command

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Ana06 commented

This option would be also useful in this command. This will send the plotted burndown chart to the first card of the Done column.

can i claim this issue too?

Ana06 commented

@ankitkataria what about finishing #138 before starting with this one? 😉

Can I take this issue

Ana06 commented

@Ronaq13 sure! 👍

Started working on it.

@Ana06 I was trying my hands on it and have two doubts.

  1. When I tried to create a plot by trollolo plot 01 it gave me the following error:", line 39 print args ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(int args)?
    Rest of the integration I have done and I am able to run trollolo get-cards --board-id=MyTrelloWelcomeBoardID

When I fixed this by doing print(args), then it gave me the following error:", line 84, in getSprintData if day.has_key("fast_lane"): AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'has_key'

  1. Whenever I make changes do I need to re-build and re-install the gem everytime, to see changes?
Ana06 commented

@Ronaq13 can you send a pull request with the changes? it is really difficult to find out what you exactly did without seeing the code 😉

Ana06 commented

Sorry @Ronaq13 , I got you wrong. If you didn't change anything, and you find something that doesn't work, it may be a bug and then it would be better to open a separate issue 😉

@Ana06 Ok it was my mistake, it was a python version conflict. Now I am back on the issue. I am facing a problem here, I am not able to figure out where I need to write the definition of plot-to-board option.

And also can you suggest anything for the following:
Whenever I make changes do I need to re-build and re-install the gem every time, to see changes?

Ana06 commented


Whenever I make changes do I need to re-build and re-install the gem every time, to see changes?

As I told you by email, yes. You can also write a test.

The rest, I'll answer in the PR

Ana06 commented

There is some work done in #184