
Idea: Manage todo items

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Trollolo could provide shortcuts for handling todo items on Trello. This could be used to manage incoming items for a backlog, but also for organizing personal todos.

Trollolo would get a new command todo with sub commands to configure the feature, and to add and list todo items.

trollolo todo config (without target configured):

Configure target board and column by running `trollolo todo config <board-id> <list-name>`

trollolo todo config xyz Todo:

Configured todo target:
Board: Name of Board (xyz)
List: Todo

trollolo todo config (with target configured):

Todo target:
Board: Name of Board (xyz)
List: Todo

trollolo todo add (without target configured):

Configure target board and column by running `trollolo todo config <board-id> <list-name>`

trollolo todo add Do the thing (with target configured):

Added todo: "Do the thing" to list "Todo" on board "Name of Board"

trollolo todo list:

To do:
* Do the thing
* Do the other thing

This could be extended to support different lists for incoming and listing, so the config would get an additional optional parameter. This would allow to add and see todos, but organizing them, setting priorities, deciding what gets on the todo list from the incoming items, all that would be handled on Trello:

trollolo todo config (without target configured):

Configure target board and column by running `trollolo todo config <board-id> <incoming-list-name> <todo-list-name>`

trollolo todo config xyz Incoming Backlog:

Configured todo target:
Board: Name of Board (xyz)
Incoming List: Incoming
Todo List: Backlog

trollolo todo config (with target configured, but no todo-list set):

Todo target:
Board: Name of Board (xyz)
List: Todo