
Default Camera Firmware for ESP32CAM Board

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi sir,
Is this repo can use native ESP32CAM camera?

If so, can I ask you to inform me about the firmware I need to install? I couldn't find anything in UC2_REST_API that supports default camera from ESP32CAM board.

Hey @AhmedMesih nice to receive some feedback. We had it working a while back, I think there is a "driver" inside ImSwitch, but I may need to update it (lots of changes).

What exactly are you planing to do? With this I can provide you with more information.

Thanks for fast responsing sir, I'm so sorry for the delay.

I'm trying personal experiments with Arduino and ESP and trying somethings for medical opensource microscopy.
I was interested in μManager for microscope control, but then I discovered your ImSwitch tweet and I wanted to try ImSwitch as I was thinking of using the ESP32CAM's built-in camera before.

I understood the PC side (ImSwitch drivers/configs etc.) , but I wanted to consult you as I am not sure about the software I need to upload in the ESP32 inside 🥲

Hey @AhmedMesih,I have repaired the detector manager for the esp32 camera. Its reading and displaying the MJPEG stream. In addition it should be possible to set exposure time and gain using a REST API.
It's in a very early stage, but ready for testing I guess. The firmware is not yet documeted, but you can find it here:

Thank you for your reply and help.
I understand now and I will try to connect ESP32 to ImSwitch as soon as possible.
I think for now there is no firmware that can do both motor control and camera control on a single ESP32, but maybe I can try to do this with the current repos.

Hey. It's possible to use the LED + 1 stepper motor (e.g. A4988 motor driver). In case you don't need the SD card, you can have more. I remember having one code that did all of that. Can'T remember which branch. Something with autofocus..

Oh yes you are right, I took a quick glance, "SimpleStream_SDCard_wakeup_final_incubator_streamstays" on some branchs supports step motor/LED control as you said. But (although) sd card support is also available in all of them