
Mock camera Loaded

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I kept trying to make the camera work with imswitch, but I still get the same warning and the mock camera is loaded.

I'm using Allied Vision Camera Alvium 1800 U-158. I downloaded the SDK file and installed the drivers. The camera is detected and works properly when I use Vimba X viewer.

I tried different variations of managerName and cameraListIndex in the config file, but I still don't get where the issue comes from and how to solve it.

mocker loaded

I'm using the following configurations.

"rs232devices": {
"ESP32": {
"managerName": "ESP32Manager",
"managerProperties": {
"host_": "",
"serialport": "COM9",
"serialport_mac": "/dev/cu./dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART"
"positioners": {
"ESPStage": {
"managerName": "ESP32StageManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32"
"axes": ["X", "Y", "Z"],
"forScanning": true,
"forPositioning": true
"635 Laser": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"channel_index": 1,
"filter_change": false
"wavelength": 635,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 255
"LED": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
"managerProperties": {
"rs232device": "ESP32",
"channel_index": "LED",
"filter_change": false
"wavelength": 0,
"valueRangeMin": 0,
"valueRangeMax": 255
"detectors": {
"WidefieldCamera": {
"analogChannel": null,
"digitalLine": null,
"managerName": "TISManager",
"managerProperties": {
"cameraListIndex": 0,
"tis": {
"exposure": 0,
"gain": 0,
"blacklevel": 100,
"image_width": 1000,
"image_height": 1000
"forAcquisition": true,
"forFocusLock": true
"rois": {
"Full chip": {
"x": 600,
"y": 600,
"w": 1200,
"h": 1200
"availableWidgets": [
"autofocus": {
"camera": "WidefieldCamera",
"positioner": "ESP32Stage",
"updateFreq": 10,
"frameCropx": 780,
"frameCropy": 400,
"frameCropw": 500,
"frameCroph": 100