
Demo: Privacy statement

renatobellotti opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear people of OpenAI,

First: Thanks a lot for this cool piece of software!
I'm very keen about my privacy, so I'd like to retain control over my data.
At first, I thought the demo of glow was running in the browser and played around with a picture of myself, but then I've realised that the operations take place on your server.
Since I could neither find a privacy statement nor a contact form, I'm writing this issue to ask you whether the uploaded images are stored persistently on the server. If they are, how do you use them, and is there a way to delete them?

Hi Renato,

The images are not stored on the server. The server keeps no persistent / cached state either. Every request from the client has to send either the image or latents again. Fyi, the code for the server is here

Thanks for your fast answer, that's great news!