
How to make environment

lilyxoxo opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Hello, I am a beginner of open ai gym.
I want to add my environment, but I cannot do well.
Could someone tell me how to make new environment?
I did it along this wiki, and I run CartPole-v0 to MyEnv-v0)

(ml_env_2)S-no-MacBook-Air-2:agents $ python
[2017-06-18 17:27:44,978] Making new env: MyEnv-v0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 36, in
env = gym.make(args.env_id)
File "/Users/S/.pyenv/versions/miniconda3-latest/envs/ml_env_2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gym/envs/", line 161, in make
return registry.make(id)
File "/Users/S/.pyenv/versions/miniconda3-latest/envs/ml_env_2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gym/envs/", line 118, in make
spec = self.spec(id)
File "/Users/S/.pyenv/versions/miniconda3-latest/envs/ml_env_2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gym/envs/", line 147, in spec
raise error.UnregisteredEnv('No registered env with id: {}'.format(id))
gym.error.UnregisteredEnv: No registered env with id: MyEnv-v0

same problem

The question is how to register your own environment in the registry?

Lets say you have your own environment defined in the following structure:

myenv/ contains the class for your environment. In you put the following code:

from gym.envs.registration import register


To use your own environment

import gym
import myenv
env = gym.make('MyEnv-v0')

More detailed example on how to register your own environments have a look here:

NOTE: You have to have myenv directory in your PYTHONPATH or start python from the parent directory.

@lilyxoxo - did this solve it for you? I create my own enviroments and could knock up a sample git repro if you are still stuck

hlzl commented

@Sohojoe That would be great. Even though the question is asked quite poorly there are probably a few others looking for something like this to help them make their own environment.

@Sohojoe I apologize for this late reply.
I have already solved this problem.
Thank you.

@lily-xoxo-30 could you maybe share your solution or give a quick how to? Iโ€™m also struggling with this problem now for a while already.

@peterlabuschagne Did you have a look at ? What else do you need?

@MartinThoma no I hadn't yet seen that, but that really answers the questions I've had up until now. Hopefully the rest is smooth sailing. Thanks a lot!

Thanks for answering this @hholst80! Please see the documentation here:

What fixed this for me was prefixing foo-v0 in the following line with gym_foo: as below:
