
Logs don't get updated

frenzytejask98 opened this issue · 1 comments

The logs folder doesn't update. Moreover how to generate models for 16, 35, 64, etc agents. I am only able to run it for 128 number of agents as I don't have example models for the rest. @jsuarez5341 please help.

Hi! If you check the and, you'll notice that the default setup is running in test mode to show off the demo model. The demo was trained with 128 agents -- has short (though admittedly messy) example code for setting training parameters, including population size. Logs and models are written to resource/exps (I forgot to remove the logs directory from a previous version and nobody has mentioned it until now). Feel free to reopen if you are still having issues

Also, it's worth mentioning we're only a day or two out from the first major patch. Ideally it will help clear up most of the confusion. I'll add better config docs to my todos for today.