
Manifest has invalid JSON and prevents plugin from loading

areibman opened this issue · 2 comments


The manifest file contains a trailing comma, so this is a malformed JSON. This creates a CORS error:

Failed to fetch localhost manifest. Check to ensure your localhost is running and your localhost server has CORS enabled.

Proposed fix

Format the JSON to remove this comma on line 12 of ai-plugin.json: "url": "http://localhost:5003/openapi.yaml",

New manifest:

    "schema_version": "v1",
    "name_for_human": "TODO Plugin (no auth)",
    "name_for_model": "todo",
    "description_for_human": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.",
    "description_for_model": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.",
    "auth": {
        "type": "none"
    "api": {
        "type": "openapi",
        "url": "http://localhost:5003/openapi.yaml"
    "logo_url": "http://localhost:5003/logo.png",
    "contact_email": "",
    "legal_info_url": ""

I've attached a PR that resolves this issue. #41
