
FileNotFoundError for gym3/internal/font.bin

GusHebblewhite opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there :)

So I tried following the 'build from source' instructions, and I noticed that when I got to the last step (running the environment interactively with python -m procgen.interactive) I get an error message saying that 'gym3/internal/font.bin' is not found.

This was an issue in gym3 (openai/gym3#1) which is now fixed, but since this still uses gym3 0.3.0 the issue will remain here until it gets updated.

If anyone has the same problem in the meantime, building (the newest version of) gym3 manually seems to have fixed it.


My bad, I forgot to update the pinned version. Should be updated now: 21f9ab6

Thanks for letting me know!