
Latest Snapshot (0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20211029.071023) CRD Error

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Using the latest snapshot 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20211029.071023 causes the following error when ShinyProxy Operator is starting.

Warning: could not check whether ShinyProxy CRD exits.
This is normal when the ServiceAccount of the operator does not have permission to access CRDs (at cluster scope).
If you get an unexpected error after this message, make sure that the CRD exists.
10:13:25.040 [main           ] WARN                        - Kubernetes Client Exception : Failure executing: GET at: Message: 404 page not found
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: Message: 404 page not found

It is trying to access the wrong version of the API, v1 instead of v1alpha1. <- THIS <- INSTEAD OF THIS

Solution 1:
Use a previous snapshot of operator (0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20210923.115703).

# had to use a specific image because the latest tag ( which points to 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20211029.071023) one broke the deployments
          image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-operator-snapshot:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20210923.115703

Solution 2:
Rename the CRD from v1alpha1 to v1 and use the latest 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-20211029.071023


This is a similar problem as in #21. The problem was that the documentation was too old compared to the docker images we released. With the release of version 1.0.0, the docker image and documentation are gain in sync. With the release of 1.0.0, it will be easier for us to manage the documentation and docker images and therefore this should not happen anymore.