
Use separate Redis deployment

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I tried to use a separate deployment of Redis / Sentinel that was created using Bitnami's helm chart. I can exec into one of the redis pods, run redis-cli and AUTH <my-passwd> or AUTH default <my-passwd> successfully.

However, I keep getting authentication errors from the Shinyproxy pod that was created from the operator:

Caused by: io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException: Cannot connect to a Redis Sentinel: [redis://************@redis-node-0.redis-headless.redis:26379, redis://************@redis-node-1.redis-headless.redis:26379, redis://************@redis-node-2.redis-headless.redis:26379]

and further down in the log

Caused by: io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled.
        at io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory.createExecutionException( ~[lettuce-core-6.1.10.RELEASE.jar!/:6.1.10.RELEASE]
        at io.lettuce.core.internal.ExceptionFactory.createExecutionException( ~[lettuce-core-6.1.10.RELEASE.jar!/:6.1.10.RELEASE]
        ... 22 common frames omitted

This looks like there is actually an exception received from Redis so that the connection seems to work - is that assumption correct ?

What needs to be done to make the Shinyproxy work with a separate Redis ?



In principle, nothing special is needed to make ShinyProxy work with the external redis server. The Redis deployment inside this repository is also based on the bitnami helm chart (

I can reproduce the error you have when providing an incorrect password for the sentinel config. Can you double check this? Can you maybe post your shinyproxy config?