
Inaccurate info regarding Windows installation of RFCat/Openomni radio control software.

Videogamer555 opened this issue · 0 comments

While I don't know how to install it on Windows, I know how NOT to install it. And how NOT to install it is the tutorial shown here which claims (falsely) to be a tutorial on how to install it in Windows.
In some places, it correctly shows a Windows version of the command like "activate omnipod" in addition to the Linux version like "source activate omnipod". However, in other places it shows ONLY a Linux command (despite the fact that this tutorial supposedly is written for Windows users who want to install it on Windows). For example, here where installing PyUSB, it gives only one command which is "sudo pip install pyusb". I can tell you immediately that is a Linux command. There is no such thing as "sudo" or "pip" in Windows. That is PURE LINUX COMMANDS.

Despite its claim in the first paragraph that this should work for Windows, not all of the commands described have a Windows version of the commands shown. Therefore, if I went step by step through this tutorial, I would VERY QUICKLY end up in a situation that I would FAIL TO ACCOMPLISH what the tutorial is SUPPOSED TO TELL ME HOW TO ACCOMPLISH. Can somebody PLEASE rewrite this tutorital from the ground up, for Windows users? I'm not about to convert to Linux, so telling me "the obvious solution to your problem is to use Linux" will be a statement that falls on deaf ears. I NEVER will switch to Linux. I'm a WINDOWS USER.

The only solution for me, is for you to FIX this tutorial, so that it is completely accurate for Windows users, such as myself.