
Update install script urls to use https protocol as git is deprecated

CarnageMarkus opened this issue · 3 comments

Trying to reinstall I got The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported.

For existing repositories, if you’re having trouble fetching, check that the remote you are fetching from is an ssh:// or https://
If any of them start with git://, you should change the URL to a supported format.

(cd $HOME/src && git clone git:// || die "Couldn't clone oref0"

mkdir -p ~/src; cd ~/src && ls -d oref0 && (cd oref0 && git checkout $BRANCH && git pull) || git clone git://

for existing installations, updating remotes also works:
git remote set-url origin

Hi there,
Apologies in advance my linux skills are basic at best.
I am trying to rerun the setup script again to use a new loopable pump (i.e changed the SN in the script).
I am receiving the above error about the protocol not being supported.

When I try and update the remote URL i get the errors below

Can i simply edit the script and change line 736 to be https:// instead of git://

Hi there, Apologies in advance my linux skills are basic at best. I am trying to rerun the setup script again to use a new loopable pump (i.e changed the SN in the script). I am receiving the above error about the protocol not being supported.

When I try and update the remote URL i get the errors below remote_setURL

Can i simply edit the script and change line 736 to be https:// instead of git://

I fixed my issue by changing the git config to use https:// instead of git://

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

@capitalzee the error in your screenshot says you're running the "git remote" command in a directory that doesn't have a git repository checked out into it. The commend adds a new source code server into an existing checkout, so before running it, you need to use the cd command to go into the directory where the code is checked out. The git config change you posted cannot fix the original error condition implied in the screen cap.