
include 'official government AQ data'

RocketD0g opened this issue · 2 comments

Adjust data format to add sub data type: 'official government AQ data'.

In order to add a few data sources shared directly by governments, we will need to add this sub-data type (as opposed to real-time government data).

I'd suggest to use the term QA/QC or similar rather than "official" since the term official just implies that it's published by the government (realtime or qa'd are still both official data) in contrast to openaq which could be considered not official.

Thanks, @andrewharvey. Yeah, it's a tricky line. Much of the time governments don't, themselves, consider the data they share in real-time as official (even if we may see data coming from a gov't to be, by definition, official). Meanwhile, governments can publish data that they officially sanction (almost exclusively not in real-time) that may or may not be QA/QC'd, in reality. I think if we add in this sub-type of non-real-time but 'officially' sanctioned, probably QA/QC'ed data, no matter what we call it, is to have a clear articulation of what the data are. It could be something as simple as "data captured in real-time" versus "historical data provided by the gov't" and leave whether they deem it official or whether it is QA/QC'ed out of the picture.