Skin settings - what is fallback font - poor UI
Opened this issue · 8 comments = ConfigSelection(default="fallback.font", choices=[("fallback.font", "Fallback Font 1"), ("AbyssinicaSIL-Regular.ttf", "Fallback Font 2")])
You can provide a better name if you like.
The point I am making. Is I have used openatv a very long time. But I don't know what that font is for.
Is it an alternative font for the entire system. i,e does it replace Roboto.
Is it a replacement font for arabic.
Ir is just an option with no context of what it is or what it replaces.
It just seems a completely pointless confusing option.
After choosing a Fallback Font 2 nothing changes visually.
The Fallback font is for specific languages with special character sets.
The second Fallback font is for other languages.
The fallback font will be used if the character is not in the main font.
This feature is implemented since years.
I have only added a second fallback font.
I can try to find the list of languages but this is difficult and the list will be long.
Isn't that what the replacement font is, as specified in the skins skin.xml
i.e. in this example Almateen.ttf
<!-- default skin fonts -->
<font name="Subtitlefont" filename="/usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf" scale="90"/>
<font name="LCD" filename="/usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf" scale="100"/>
<font name="Replacement" filename="/usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf" scale="90" replacement="1"/>
<!-- slyk1hd fonts -->
<font name="Regular" filename="fonts/slyk-regular.ttf" scale="100"/>
<font name="Bold" filename="fonts/slyk-medium.ttf" scale="100"/>
<font name="Console" filename="fonts/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf" scale="100"/>
Yes and no!
The replacement font is used if the character not exists in the main font.
The fallback font is used if the character still not exists.
The second fallback font is an alternative for the first fallback font.
Replacement font: ae_AlMateen.ttf is for Arabic
Fallback Font 1 is for Chinese ( optional and not for small boxes )
Fallback Font 2 is for African
Is a user ever going to know that. So going back to my original point. Is it even worth putting it in as an option in the skin settings
Everyone I know just replaces the replacement font with their own font, if they require special language characters.
The very least, the option description needs changing to what you put. Fallback font 1 - Chinese, Fallback font 2 - African