
Establishing a serial connection in Windows

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When I run:

python --stream

it outputs the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 56, in
File "", line 40, in main
lsl = streamerlsl.StreamerLSL(GUI=False)
File "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\OpenBCI_LSL\lib\", line 46, in init
File "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\OpenBCI_LSL\lib\", line 59, in initialize_board
self.board = bci.OpenBCIBoard()
File "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\OpenBCI_LSL\lib\", line 77, in init
port = self.find_port()
File "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\OpenBCI_LSL\lib\", line 599, in find_port
raise OSError('Cannot find OpenBCI port')
OSError: Cannot find OpenBCI port

Where can I find the [port] for my device? I have a Ganglion.

Also, how do I change the init function in to establish a serial connection in Windows?

Hi, I am currently encountering this issue as well, is there any fix for it?

I tried looking for the problem's source. I believe the problem is not with this code. I tried isolating the serial function calls and they returned nothing. Since the serial python lib is not the problem, that means the port isn't open.

This means that the problem is coming from how the port was opened (I used the GUI). Here is what I did:
I turned on the headset (cyton, not daisy, already set up), started my session (on cyton), started the data stream, went to networking, changed it to LSL, selected FFT for the first stream channel, and started it.

I could really use help on this as I am quite lost on what to do next.

Turn off the OpenBCI, plug out dongle, connect back dongle again, then turn on OpenBCI.