
No OpenBCI_EEG stream, only OpenBCI_AUX

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I have set up my OpenBCI to stream data from 8 electrodes to matlab through LSL. The stream is started correctly and data from the 8 channels are seen on screen after running
python -p "/dev/ttyUSB0". However when I try to acquire in MATLAB the channel DATA using:

	% instantiate the library
	disp('Loading the library...');
	lib = lsl_loadlib();
	% resolve a stream...
	disp('Resolving an EEG stream...');
	result = {};
	while isempty(result)
	    result = lsl_resolve_byprop(lib,'type','EEG'); end

	% create a new inlet
	disp('Opening an inlet...');
	inlet = lsl_inlet(result{1});
	disp('Now receiving data...');
	while true
	    % get data from the inlet
	    [vec,ts] = inlet.pull_sample();
	    % and display it
            % resolve a stream...
	disp('Resolving an EEG stream...');
	result = {};
	while isempty(result)
	    result = lsl_resolve_byprop(lib,'type','EEG'); end

	% create a new inlet
	disp('Opening an inlet...');
	inlet = lsl_inlet(result{1});

	disp('Now receiving data...');
	while true
	    % get data from the inlet
	    [vec,ts] = inlet.pull_sample();
	    % and display it
	end    	`

MATLAB freezes in the while loop as result is constantly empty. Additionally, when running the vis_stream MATLAB script, in the first drop down in settings, all I'm presented is the OpenBCI_AUX (with 3 channels) and nothing about the OpenBCI_EEG stream.
Has anyone experienced the same problem?