
Problem with UNO

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I am having problems with interfacing my ads1299FE with arduino UNO. I was trying to stream data as txt using the ADSMangager but it seems i am getting some gibberish values also the registers seem to be not read properly. Could any one suggest a suitable circuit diagram for UNO and ads1299 daughter board?

Hi suvodip1212
What 'daughter board' are you using?

We interfaced the ADS1299 to the UNO via the SPI bus (pins 13,12,11) and you also need pins to connect the Chip Select, DRDY, and RESET pins of the ADS. Those are listed in the ADS1299Manager.h file.

What sort of gibberish are you getting?

The daughter board:
All the registers read are zeroes. Even with test signals i tested the board with TI software it seems to be working fine.

I have one of those boards and have not used it in years. The UNO runs at 5V, and the digital part of the ADS runs at 3.3V. Are you using a level shifter?

I was. but i guess due to some issue it got damaged. let me replace it and get back to you. I hope clksel, START pins require no input.

You can't let the clksel pin or the start pin float. There is power and ground on the ads module. Use those to set your pins. Don't let any of those control pins float

Is there a schematic for these pins or i use CLKSEL, RESET, and PWDN pins to the 3.3V. And I am connecting pins 4, 10, and 18 of J3 to ground.

I don't have the docs in front of me, but you have to look at the schematic of the Deb module and the ads datasheet to confirm where the pins are broken out and how to assert them

ok i will check out the dev board and identify the changes.

obci_v3_8bit-schematic in this schema the control pins are floating if you can suggest changes. any help is appreciated.

i have similar problem, but i read only 1

I use arduino Uno and level shifter,bidirectional bus, 5V->3,3V. All these pin are with 3.3V
13 - SCLK*
12- MISO*
10- CS*
8 -DRDY*
Power Source are provided from MMB0 of the TI Kit.
I run example1, but all register are set to 1 (i add to ads.inizialize funciont the "false" argument for daisychain). Library used ADS1299.h
Why i cannot read correctly the register value???

ADS.initialize(8,9,10,4,true); // (DRDY pin, RST pin, CS pin, SCK frequency in MHz);
pinMode(6,INPUT); digitalWrite(6,HIGH); //activate pullup...for detecting which version of OpenBCI PCB
pinMode(7,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7,LOW); //act as a ground pin...for detecting which version of OpenBCI
which pin to connect in 6 and 7??

pins 6 and 7 were specific to our early hardware designs. They don't need to be connected to the TI dev board.

I am able to read this finally. I still need to figure out the connections properly.

Great suvodip1212!!! what was the problem?

Hey suvodip1212! That's great!
Please do share the lashup

when i am powering up my ads1299 boards the IC's are heating like anything ,can anyone please drop the solution here

i am unable to read the data in the registers of ads1299 , it is always showing the results as all zeros or all ones, can any one plzz help

Hi, would you please say how did that?
I still get 0x00 or 0xFF. I don't know it's because of code or my connections. Did you change anything in the code?

We are not supporting this hardware or firmware any more. I'm sorry, but we just don't have the bandwidth and the last time I looked at it was years ago.