
Rebind does not appear to be supported

groob opened this issue · 5 comments

groob commented

Using tx.Rebind(deleteStmt)
With ocsql:

DELETE FROM "table" WHERE ("column" = ?)

With "postgres":

DELETE FROM "table" WHERE ("column" = $1)
groob commented

Ah,sorry, i'm running into this with sqlx. I blindly assumed this is a database/sql helper.

groob commented

sqlx relies on driver name to call the helper.

I could refactor every call to use an explicit bind type

groob commented

Yeah, this fixes an issue. A note in the readme might help someone though. I'll see if I can PR it.

Hi @groob... is there anything wrong with the explanation as found in the readme?


It deals with sqlx and shows how to bootstrap ocsql to not run into these kind of problems.

groob commented

No this all user error. Sorry for the bother.