
Extremally poor utilisation of space in browser map

baryluk opened this issue · 3 comments

Screenshot at 2020-10-15 20-09-47

Only 34% of available space is utilized.

I am pretty sure this can be upped to 90%, maybe 95%.

Inspecting HTML, it looks there is a hardcoded size of the iframe: style="width:100%;height:600px"

Thanks, yes, of course on my 1080 high display it looks great :)

I think to do that properly we'd need to get rid of the other front page content so we can fill the remaining height? is the real map site, as you can probably tell the iframed version is kind of a second class citizen on that front page.

Ok, I've removed the bottom content that nobody reads anyway and removed some of top padding and the old Add link (people should generally use the map/app to add locations now). See what you think.

Yes, beautiful. Thank you!