
Add bg card for projects or apply some animation

gauthamzz opened this issue · 11 comments

Projects cards look dull with only orange. Apply either images or do some effect using css.

Images should be compressed

I can work on it but most of the time the project cards or the participant cards don't load, i.e. they aren't visible.

They don’t load when there is an error with the json

Can you please elaborate what exactly do you want with the cards ? I want to work on this.

make some image as the bg for the cards, you can use anything as you wish.

screen shot 2018-01-24 at 1 00 57 am
You are referring to these cards, aren't you ?


@shivhek25 status?

Working on it. @aswinzz

@shivhek25 are you working on it?

i would like to work on it if it is reassigned

Please reassign.