
Add a view more button

gauthamzz opened this issue · 10 comments

Add a new feild in json (In particpants and mentors ) called featured with binary values 1(true) or 0(false). At max 8 people(Use first 8 for now).

If a person is featured make him visible on the page when page is first loaded and there should be a view more button. When that button is clicked show everyone else in the list.

I've created a PR for the issue that I was working on. May I work on this now?

You can,if all are merged.

can i work on it


do I have to create field manually for each mentor and participant in json file or is there another way

you need to, if you can figure out some other way,its fine with me.

I'd like to work on it.

If no one else is working, that is.

yeah siure

@arpitmisraw please complete other issues that you have been assigned