
Fix scores.json file

gauthamzz opened this issue · 11 comments

Fix scores.json file

I would be interested


What does that even mean ?

See number of people’s scores added and see the ones which are visible . Someone added bad formatting and data is not coming

I think everyone should first verify their updated scores.json using any online Linting tool.
Maybe like
So that bad formatting can be avoided

Yeah , I’ll add a continuous integration for that

@gauthamzz Yes, I found the problem. But another PR of mine is yet to be merged so if I commit the changes right now, that commit gets added automatically to that particular PR, right ? How do I create a separate PR while the other PR is open as well ?

use branches
git checkout -b somebranch
then git push somebranch master instead.

i would like to work on this issue

It’s already been assigned

Has this issue been solved ? @gauthamzz