
Design Register Activity and Logic

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Design a Register Activity and Logic

Design a Register activity asking for:

  • name
  • user's gmail
  • user's password
  • confirm password

Ensure a visually appealing design to capture attention and enhance user experience. 🎨

You can use Figma/AdobeXD for designing part.

Also write logic for register activity in text file and submit it.

Note: Make your logic such that it handles all possible cases and condtitons.

Partial points will be awraded for both tasks whose PR will be best.

Steps to followed to submit your work

  • Star and Fork the repo.
  • Submit your work in the Submissions folder only.
  • Suppose your name is Ankit then submit it as Submissions/Ankit/Task1/username.txt and screenshot.
  • Write the Figma or Adobe XD link or code in the .txt file and then submit and make a pull request
  • Remember to attach 📎 a screenshot/folder link of your work with your PR.
  • Point🥇 will only be awarded to the PR that is accepted.

PS: This issue is open for all, so no need to claim this issue. You can directly create a pull request
Note: This issue will be active for only for 3 days.

All the best
Happy Contributing!😊


Its open for everyone best PR will be merged and other will be partially graded