
Notify future visitors on the state of this project

johnkeates opened this issue · 5 comments

It seems this project is dead, or that the people finding ONL are the wrong audience. Either way, it might be helpful to include a message or warning, be it to let others know this project is no longer active or that it is intended for manufacturers, not end-users.

Hi Jim,

The project is not dead, we are working on a plan to move forward which we will announce before the OCP summit. The project is forked into dentOS which we will plan to upstream changes from once everything is worked out.

I don't like this kind of statements on "open" projects... most of the time it means its being "hijacked" by commercial interests. Why can this whole discussion about the future and direction of ONL not be done in public? Most of the time it will spark new interest of parties not involved until then...

Ah well, the whole development process surrounding ONL was already rather specific vendors based so we'll see what happens before the OCP summit.

Hi, I was interested in ONL and came to this issue, do you have any update ?