How to hide undefined thermal threshold in onlpd?
nicwu-cel opened this issue · 0 comments
I tried to cut out the 'Caps' in thermal to hide undefined thresholds but it didn't work as below.
thermal @ 2 = {
Description: Switchboard_Inlet_Temp_U4
Status: 0x00000001 [ PRESENT ]
Temperature: 29250
thresholds = {
Warning: 55000
Error: 345000
Shutdown: 345000
Are these thresholds (Warning/Error/Shutdown) mandatory? Is there a method to hide these?
In above example, I set thresholds as 345000 as a value that will never be reached to indicate it's undefined but I'm not sure if it's good method or not.
PS: I need to care about all these thresholds because when I run redfish on ONL, improper thresholds will trigger warning in redfish log.