onlpdump -M execution steps
ramarn7 opened this issue · 0 comments
ramarn7 commented
root@localhost:~# onlpdump -M
onlpdump: option requires an argument -- 'M'
Usage: onlpdump [OPTIONS]
-d Use dump(). This is the default.
-s Use show() instead of dump().
-r Recursive show(). Implies -s
-e Extended show(). Implies -s
-y Yaml show(). Implies -s
-o Dump ONIE data only.
-x Dump Platform Info only.
-j Dump ONIE data in JSON format.
-m Run platform manager.
-M Run as platform manager daemon.
-i Iterate OIDs.
-p Show SFP presence.
-t Decode TlvInfo data.
-O Dump OID.
-S Decode SFP Inventory
-b Decode SFP Inventory into SFF database entries.
-l API Lock test.
-J Decode ONIE JSON data.
What are the arguments to provide in "onlpdump -M" ?