
Specify onie img file

ingridcelestica opened this issue · 0 comments

ONIE with secureboot will have <initrd.img-5.4.86-onie.sig> and <initrd.img-5.4.86-onie>. The community code doesn't specify to use the <initrd.img-5.4.86-onie> which will impact the ONL installation. Could we modify the pat to <onie/initrd.img*-onie> make it specifically to use the one without sig?
def _g(d): pat = os.path.join(d, "**onie/initrd.img***") l = glob.glob(pat) if l: return l[0] return None
From <packages/base/all/vendor-config-onl/src/python/onl/install/> line 109.