
AFT Summary model, incorrect type

aaronmillisor opened this issue · 1 comments

PR#997 (#997) introduced AFT summary 'counters', however they are defined using the type counter64 (which are monotonically incrementing).

        |  +--ro oc-aftsummary:aft-summaries
        |     +--ro oc-aftsummary:ipv4-unicast
        |     |  +--ro oc-aftsummary:protocols
        |     |     +--ro oc-aftsummary:protocol* [origin-protocol]
        |     |        +--ro oc-aftsummary:origin-protocol    -> ../state/origin-protocol
        |     |        +--ro oc-aftsummary:state
        |     |           +--ro oc-aftsummary:origin-protocol?   identityref
        |     |           +--ro oc-aftsummary:counters
        |     |              +--ro oc-aftsummary:aft-entries?   oc-yang-types:counter64
        |     +--ro oc-aftsummary:ipv6-unicast
        |        +--ro oc-aftsummary:protocols
        |           +--ro oc-aftsummary:protocol* [origin-protocol]
        |              +--ro oc-aftsummary:origin-protocol    -> ../state/origin-protocol
        |              +--ro oc-aftsummary:state
        |                 +--ro oc-aftsummary:origin-protocol?   identityref
        |                 +--ro oc-aftsummary:counters
        |                    +--ro oc-aftsummary:aft-entries?   oc-yang-types:counter64

The type for these should probably be changed to something like gauge32 or uint32. BGP reports similar data using uint32.

        |     |  |     |     |  +--ro prefixes
        |     |  |     |     |     +--ro received?              uint32
        |     |  |     |     |     +--ro received-pre-policy?   uint32
        |     |  |     |     |     +--ro sent?                  uint32
        |     |  |     |     |     +--ro installed?             uint32 

I agree this should be fixed. I will review in the OC Operators meeting on Dec 12, 2023