
Question on laser control on optics

fgruman opened this issue · 6 comments

During implementing the model for optical pluggables, we had a question on the laser control for the optics.

Is laser controlled by the transceiver's port's (optical-port) admin-state?
Or is the laser controlled by the tranceiver's physical-channel tx-laser boolean?

We were thinking the tx-laser initially but the description of this attribute indicates that this controls a tx-label.
leaf tx-laser {
type boolean;
"Enable (true) or disable (false) the transmit label for the

It was not clear what was meant by "transmit label". Can this be clarified? is this a communication channel within the laser (e.g., maybe a modulation label for connectivity discovery).

So it seemed like tx-laser may not be meant for laser on/off control.
So should the optical port admin state be used for this function?

Is this interpretation correct?

As a follow up to this question, when dealing with a breakout cable with 4 interfaces, there doesn't appear that I can control the individual interfaces without using the tx-laser attribute or adding an explicit admin-state (or other type of laser control).

dplore commented

@ejbrever can you respond for us?

IIRC, tx-laser is actually what you want to turn off the laser. I think that wording is incorrect (I think "label" is supposed to be "laser").

I have seen some platforms use admin-state with different behaviors. In many cases, disabling the admin state acts as a parent to disable the laser on all sub-physical-channels. In other cases, disabling the admin-state allows the tx-laser to still fire, but silencing alarms/alerts for the transceiver.

I do think with the first behavior, the device should not implicitly set tx-laser to disable if the admin-state is disabled. Instead, it should require the tx-laser to be explicitly set to disable (i.e. have to set both). This is just to avoid implicit behaviors that would not easily be understood.

dplore commented

Please feel free to reopen if there are further comments on this issue

Thanks, I think this answered my question. Sorry I should have responded explicitly.

dplore commented

Glad to hear it!