
Need Info on csnp-enable-on-p2p-links knob - Disable option

sms-juniper opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi ,
in ISIS yang version - reference "1.1.0" ,revision "2022-09-20" a new knob was introduced. (#712)

When set to true, ISIS will always enable CSNP on P2P Links.
nodetype: leaf (rw)
type: boolean
default: true

Our views are -
Since CSNP is harmless why should it be disabled when set to false ? Agree that default is TRUE , but configuring false makes to disable it . We don't see any downside of enabling/sending CSNP always. Since It is light weight, only packet header exchange.

Advantage of enabling is always -syncing Database will be sooner if the network has some flooding issues as CSNP as the packet headers will be exchanged

Option to disable might lead to out-of-sync database.

Can this knob be removed from standard considering the downside of disable (enable =false) option allowing CSNP transmission by default