
route-policy:defined-sets:bgp-defined-sets:ext-community-sets members type

rcicu opened this issue · 3 comments

rcicu commented

leaf-list ext-community-member {

Currently ext-community-member is a list of oc-bgp-types:bgp-ext-community-type and oc-bgp-types:bgp-community-regexp-type but it will not be beneficial to have it as a list of containers?

Having to delete one entry for the list is difficult, since you need to know that values are there and update the list with all the values, except the target one. Using a list of containers it will allow to apply a YFilter.delete to the desired entry. This is similar to how prefixes are removed from route-policy:defined-sets:prefix-sets.

Or there is another way to do that without knowing the values before?

dplore commented

I am working to refactor the bgp communities from a union type of many regex strings to explicitly defined types in containers.

I think the community-set will still be a list, but pointing to a list of containers instead of a list of strings.