
how breakout groups should be represented in openconfig-platform-transceiver yang ?

aagrawal493 opened this issue · 2 comments

As per examples provided in openconfig-platform-port yang if a 400G-DR4 interface (8 electrical channels at 50Gbps) is to be broken out into 4 100Gbps ports, the following configuration is used:
"groups": {
"group": [
"config": {
"breakout-speed": "SPEED_100GB",
"index": 0,
"num-breakouts": 4,
"num-physical-channels": 2
"index": 0
Here total 4 breakouts are done and each breakout contain 2 physical channels.
in openconfig-platform-transceiver subtree /components/component/transceiver/physical-channels can this be represented by breakout groups ?
or in other words, as per example this physical channels will be 8 indexes, or these can be represented by 4 breakout groups ?
if these physical channels will be 8 indexes then where breakout group properties should be mapped ?

dplore commented

/components/component/transceiver/physical-channels is intended to list all the channels on a physical port. I interpret this to be 8 channels in your example.

/interfaces/interface/state/physical-channel is intended to point to only the channels used for a specific interface. So each of the breakout 100GB Ethernet interfaces would have a list of channels that are allocated to the 100G interface. So I think this is how you can see the mapping of those 8 channels to 4 interfaces.

dplore commented

Feel free to reopen if this doesn't answer your question or you disagree with the interpretation