
Image "Name" Regex Nit

juliusl opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently the repo name regex in the spec is,


Some regex parsers want / to be escaped, however others do not recognize an escaped /. I propose using [/] to avoid ambiguity.

                                  ^^^ ---- change is here

Another minor thing I noticed that I'm piggybacking on this issue. Why are capital letters unallowed for the repo name, but allowed for the tag?


Example of a parser that will warn about escaping,

Which parsers fail with an escaped /? I'm incline to escape it and let the few implementations that need it unescaped adjust the value for their implementation.

@sudo-bmitch it's a bit hard to show but the regex derive attribute from this crate will complain about escaping.

I'm incline to escape it and let the few implementations that need it unescaped adjust the value for their implementation.

Seems reasonable as well.