
docker and podman runtime create option --init and --pid host conflict.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Newer versions of docker (1.25+) and podman support setting the init option for command docker create or podman create. However, when using host namespace (--pid host), the init option cannot be set.
The following is the command output of curveadm mount:

root@pve01-prod-common:/usr/share/doc/podman#  sudo docker create --device /dev/fuse --entrypoint /bin/bash --env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ --init --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --mount type=bind,source=/curvefs,target=/curvefs/client/mnt/curvefs,bind-propagation=rshared --name curvefs-filesystem-97698fcb427fe3ec07941f729271a2f4 --network host --pid host --privileged --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --ulimit core=-1 --volume /var/log/curvefs/client:/curvefs/client/logs --volume /var/run/curve/data:/curvefs/client/data --volume /tmp:/core / pve s3 --role=client --args='-f -o default_permissions -o allow_other -o fsname=pve -o fstype=s3 -o user=curvefs -o conf=/curvefs/client/conf/client.conf /curvefs/client/mnt/curvefs'
Error: cannot add init binary as PID 1 (PID namespace isn't private)

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