
Is OAK-1 capable of providing depth data?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi there,

I have read through both OAK-1 and OAK-D.

It seems that they both are able to provide depth data.

Could you please confirm this?

Only OAK-D can provide depth data. It has 3 total cameras: 1 RGB and two stereo cameras.

OAK-1 has only the RGB camera.

Hi @AndrewBarfield thanks for your reply.

if the OAK-1 does not provide depth data, why it states the depth here?
Here is the URL:

I've sent a message to about the issue.

I've also invited them to respond here.

OpenCV responded:

"Hi Andrew,

Thanks for answering it on GitHub.

We appreciate your pro-activeness and agree with the answer provided as OAK-1 is not capable of providing Depth data.

We have made the necessary changes to our Store Website’s product description accordingly.

Thanks once again for highlighting! 😊


OpenCV Team"

Hi there,

I have read through both OAK-1 and OAK-D.

It seems that they both are able to provide depth data.

Could you please confirm this?

Thanks for highlighting it.

We have corrected the OAK-1 description at the store now -

hi @AndrewBarfield where did you ask OpenCV for the question?

I thought this is the official github for the Oak camera from Open CV.