
3rdparty/ ndsrvp and hal_rvv seeems no lincense files.

Kumataro opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the doc issue

( I chose Documentation because it doesn't directly affect the actual operation. )

3rd party libraries and headers are stored in .

There are many different ways to express license information for 3rd party libraries.

  • Standalone LICENSE/COPYING file ( e.g. flatbuffers / libpng / libwebp / ... )
  • Including information into source/header file ( e.g. catotene / libjpeg / ...)
  • Only CMakefile script to download external packages ( e.g. kleidicv / tim-vc / ... )

However hal_rvv and ndsrvp seems to have no license information. They has no LINCESE/COPYING files, and source and header files shows OpenCV license.

Are these under a different license than OpenCV and do I need to add a license file? Or are they just part of OpenCV and should be managed in a different folder?

Fix suggestion

If they has different license from OpenCV, it should be show to clear.
If not, they should move to more suitable directories instead of 3rdparty directory.

I'd be happy to help here!

Hello, if you think to do working anythig about this issue, please could you wait ?

  1. These folders contain only source code and header files under the same license as OpenCV.
  2. Only the person who added the files in these folders knows under what license the files are distributed.
  3. Until the OpenCV maintainers determine how to fix this issue, we cannot issue a pull request to resolve it.