
SVM model training and classification return error

ZJDATY opened this issue · 2 comments

System Information

OpenCV version: 4.10.0
Operating System:win10
Compiler & compiler version: VS2022

Detailed description

An exception was raised: read access permission conflict.
SVM. * * Ptr * * is nullptr.

Steps to reproduce

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <time.h>  
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>   
#include <iostream> 
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>  
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>  
#include <opencv2/ml/ml.hpp>  
#include <io.h>
#include <vector>  
#include <string> 
#include <filesystem>  

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

void getFiles(std::string& path, vector<string>& files) {
	for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(path)) {
		if (entry.is_regular_file()) {

int main()
	int result = 0;
	string filePath = "D:\\vcworkspace\\digits_svm\\digits_svm\\data\\test_image\\0";
	vector<string> files;
	getFiles(filePath, files);
	int number = files.size();
	cout << number << endl;
	Ptr<ml::SVM> svm;
	string modelpath = "digits_svm.yml";
	vector<float> predictions;
	FileStorage svm_fs(modelpath, FileStorage::READ);
	if (svm_fs.isOpened())
	for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
		Mat inMat = imread(files[i].c_str());
		Mat p = inMat.reshape(1, 1);
		p.convertTo(p, CV_32FC1);
		int response = (int)svm->predict(p);
		if (response == 0)
	cout << result << endl;
	return  0;

All the projects are here.

Issue submission checklist

  • I report the issue, it's not a question
  • I checked the problem with documentation, FAQ, open issues,, Stack Overflow, etc and have not found any solution
  • I updated to the latest OpenCV version and the issue is still there
  • There is reproducer code and related data files (videos, images, onnx, etc)

Hello. if you have "question", please could you ask at QA forum ?

In your code, return value of load function is not used. Please could you confirm how to use ?

This is sample code to load SVM model. model is Ptr<StatModel>, which is super class of Ptr<SVM>.

else if (modelName == CV_SVM)
model = Algorithm::load<SVM>(filename);

So I believe your code should be updated with following.

- svm->load(modelpath.c_str());
+ svm = SVM::load(modelpath.c_str());

(because svm is not created, it is better to not calling svm->load())

Hello. if you have "question", please could you ask at QA forum ?

In your code, return value of load function is not used. Please could you confirm how to use ?

This is sample code to load SVM model. is , which is super class of .model``Ptr<StatModel>``Ptr<SVM>

else if (modelName == CV_SVM)
model = Algorithm::load<SVM>(filename);

So I believe your code should be updated with following.

- svm->load(modelpath.c_str());
+ svm = SVM::load(modelpath.c_str());

(because is not created, it is better to not calling svm``svm->load())

thank you