Upgrade from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 - Lessons learned and update procedure
dagobertdebug opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello, here are my lessons learned and procedure I have experienced when updating my docker instance from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 Maybe someone else finds this usefull...
In general, I followed the procedure mentioned in the release 1.4.0 .
- Always make a snapshot before starting any update process (e.g. via VMware).
- Stop all containers with
docker-compose down
, because after the upgrade procedure I had a situation where all data was lost in openCVE and a warning regarding postgres container showed up on startup (cannot remember and did not safe). When postgres container was stopped before the build, the data was kept. Therefore,$ docker stop celery_beat celery_worker webserver postgres
ordocker-compose down
- Check the opencve.cfg from the opencve repository for changes, as the example from the opencve-docker repository is outdated. Most important was to add
celery_lock_url = redis://redis:6379/2
in order to avoid the error mentioned here.
Finally, my openCVE docker instance is up and running in version 1.4.0 without errors, all the data and new features. Many thanks for your amazing work and your responsiveness to tickets and problems @ncrocfer @ldurnez and all others involved in this great project.
Here is the exact procedure I have used with success:
Check if there is no updates ongoing on the celery_worker:
$ docker logs celery_worker
If or when there is no update ongoing:
$ docker stop celery_beat celery_worker webserver
$ docker-compose down
Update opencve-docker repository:
$ git pull --prune
Update the opencve.cfg file with the changes of the most recent version here
$ nano conf/opencve.cfg
Check that you are on the correct version:
Add POSTGRES_PASSWORD to .env file to the same password in conf/opencve.cfg (this is required to do before docker build!)
$ nano .env -> POSTGRES_PASSWORD=same password in conf/opencve.cfg
Build the new docker images:
$ docker-compose build
Start the webserver & celery_worker:
$ docker-compose up -d webserver celery_worker
Upgrade the database schema:
$ docker exec -it webserver opencve upgrade-db
Now you are good to go, you can start the beat:
$ docker-compose up -d celery_beat
Check how the system is doing (15-30mins)
$ docker logs -f celery_worker
Thanks for this procedure which help other people.