
bei jedem reboot geht die WLAN Konfiguration ( Passwort ) verloren und Sensor geht in Konfigurationsmodus

hteibler opened this issue · 7 comments

bei jedem reboot zb. durch Konfig Änderung oder power-cycle
geht die WLAN Konfiguration ( Passwort ) verloren und Sensor geht in Konfigurationsmodus

How was the firmware flashed. I recommand not to use the beta flasher anymore but the normal one.
The WiFi credentials should be written in the SPIFFS.
Can you send me the serial log ?
Has the sensor always done this ?
It looks like a reboot before writing SPIFFS because of a stack panic. It happened to me with hard modified version of the firmware. Do you use the legit one: latest.bin?

the system is running since years!
today I changed only the API config
since then I can't reboot without loosing WLAN
Firmware: NRZ-2020-133/DE (Nov 29 2020)

today I changed only the API config

What did you change exactly?

Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 19-56-36 Konfiguration

Do you know how to read the Serial Log in USB with PIO or the Arduino IDE ?

just this:

Do you know how to read the Serial Log in USB with PIO or the Arduino IDE ? : NO

Have you use some special characters, spaces etc.?
I have never seen any issue while modifying this and I did it a lot.
Can you install the Arduino IDE and then:
Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 20 08 50
Choose the right port = the one which appears when you plug the sensor in USB(with a data cable!)
Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 20 09 30
Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 20 11 14
Try to do everything has usual and send me the text.

Maybe a SPIFFS corruption. Can you erase the config in the interface ?