Document which changes are accepted in which branch
Closed this issue · 5 comments
The contribution guide ( contains a section at the end regarding acceptance criteria of PRs. We need to add something regarding release management. Basically, branches from which patch versions are created (e.g. 1.0.x
) will only accept PRs which are bugfixes. PRs containing features will have to go into master. As a consequence:
- users are more likely to update regularly in order to get new features
- reduced amount of maintenance on our part
- minimal effort required to update between patch versions (because ideally nothing needs to be rebuilt)
@clemensutschig As discussed with you. @stitakis @rattermeyer @tjaeschke Agreed?
@michaelsauter - yes. if the info is there - feel free to close
This ticket was just a question if all are OK with the proposed policy: "Branches from which patch versions are created (e.g. 1.0.x
) will only accept PRs which are bugfixes. PRs containing features need to go into master."
If yes, I need to add the policy in the docs.
sounds good to me
Actually, reading the guide it is documented :) Forgot that. Closing.