open distro kibana reporting plugin
vishalrijhwani opened this issue · 2 comments
HI Open distro Team,
I am using kibana 7.11.1, I need kibana reporting plugin for same version i.e 7.11.1, current kibana reporting plugin supports kibana till version 7.10.2, Please inform me when this plugin will be available or what i should do to make current kibana reporting plugin compatible with kibana version 7.11.1
Further more I am interested in developing open source kibana plugin. I request you to please send me complete detail document with example showing how to develop kibana plugin. Please also give details of tools required to develop kibana plugin
Hi, we just announced the release of OpenSearch, ODFE will not have major release from now on. Reporting is also migrated under OpenSearch and the repo is public. The release will follow OpenSearch version instead of Elasticsearch.